Oct. 24, 2012

hi guys I generally do this I Swedish but now iam gonna to try something different. My English is so so bad that I have decided to speak more and write in English. Most of u will laugh at me because most of my frends know how bad I am at the English language. So here I go out of mu comfort zone.
To night I really can't sleep, I have taken my sleeping pills. and they've almost kicked in but not jet. My day has been pretty God, and does days comes not so often. And I really don't know way this day was so awesome. The only thing I was doing was cleaning all day. End took the dogs for a walk in the woods. Yesterday I was like: OMG it's Tuesday so it will be Thursday and then I will spend all my weekend whit D, I think someone reminding me like 4-5 times that it was monday. And to day have been exactly the same but instead for thinking that's Wednesday I waste thinking it was Monday... My brain do not keep up whit the time here. Well I haven't done so mutch to day besides to clean the apartment. Now iam felling werry sleeping so I am gonna fly deep into my sweet dreams. BTW if my spelling is all wrong please say something!! sleep tight and don't let the bed.dugs bite. Love/Emma

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